Know Thyself

Know thyself - the best form of protection.⁠

I hear so much about spiritual protection and the importance placed on protecting oneself against certain spiritual energies.⁠

But I have heard of many "protection practices" which I feel actually creates another form of hiding.⁠

I feel as though we give our power away to so many tools in the name of protection. It's as if we can’t walk down the street unless we are drenched in crystals. ⁠

But the direction my guidance has led me to is to strip back from all the tools I used to confirm my gifts and the talismans I used to keep me safe. Instead they simply guided me to sit with myself and get to know myself, get to know my own energy.⁠

I got to know myself so much that I started to see what was me and not me. I practised this in public and started to master my own energy when around others, I understood what was coming in and out of my field and that I had a choice on what I let in. This taught me that knowing myself deeply was the best form of protection and that my sensitivities were a way for me to get really good at it. I could be completely sovereign in a large crowd and didn’t need any other tools. ⁠

So take time just to be with yourself, no bells and whistles, get to know your energy imprint, your flavour, your field. After this you will understand that you are not a wallflower who needs to over protect themselves, you are powerful, you are sovereign. The tools and objects are nice to have but you don’t have to rely on them…⁠


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