Grief And Change

Environmental and internal changes scare the mind. It's geared to keep you safe and sameness is safeness.

When we dramatically change, the mind can sometimes get hooked to who we used to be because that is safe and easy and we know how to do that version of you.

Sometimes the mind can even grieve an old version of you or an old way of being. It can grieve an old identity, an old label etc.

It can grieve for the old socialite, the popular one, the fun one, the pretty one, the party girl...

All labels are friends with the ego and neither the mind or ego likes to let a label go.

Death of a part of yourself comes with something that all death comes with, grief and fear of how you will cope with that part gone.

Getting to know your truth, takes a lot of dying, a lot of letting go of the constructs we have so desperately held onto to define who we are to the outside world.

But death is necessary and grief is also necessary, so have a ceremony and celebrate yourself for dying over and over again. Returning and returning and returning to you, your truth, the highest version of you. Tell your mind you are safe without the definitions and if you makes others uncomfortable, that's ok too.

So here's to a thousand deaths before you die.


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